Charles Du Moulin (Lat. Molyncus)

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Charles Du Moulin (Lat. Molyncus) [1]

Moulin (Lat. Molyncus), Charles du

a celebrated French lawyer, and a convert to Protestantism, was born of a noble family at Paris, in 1500, and studied at the University of Paris and at Poictiers and Orleans. He became advocate of Parliament in 1522. He embraced the Protestant religion, first as a Calvinist, and afterwards became a Lutheran. He was imprisoned at the instigation of the Jesuits, became equally obnoxious to the Calvinists, and ultimately returned to the communion of the Church of Rome. He died in 1566. His works were published in 5 volumes, fol. (Paris, 1681); among them are Collatio et unio quatuor evangelistarum, eorum serie et ordine (1596, 4to).
