Cornelius Musso

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Cornelius Musso [1]

a famous Italian pulpit orator, was born at Placentia in 1511, and, after entering holy orders, rose rapidly to distinction in the Church. He was made bishop of Bertinoro, then of Bitonto, towards the close of the 16th century. HIe distinguished himself at the Council of Trent, and seems to have enjoyed popular favor to an unusual degree, for medals were struck in his honor, and other distinctions of like character were paid him. He died at Rome January 9, 1574. He is the author of Sermons on the Creed (Venice, 1590, 4to). See Bayle, Hist. Diet. s.v.; Genesis Biog. Dict. 11:154; Musso, Vita di Cornelio Musso (1586); Blackwood, 1869, 1:211; Wessenberg, Die Grossen Kirchenversammlungen d. 15 u. 16 Jahrh. 3:160, 161.
