Luigi Mozzi

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Luigi Mozzi [1]

a learned Italian ecclesiastic, was born at Bergamo May, 26, 1746. Of a patrician family, he was admitted (1763) into the Society of Jesus. He was professor at the college of the Nobili at Milan when (1773) that order was dissolved by pope Clement XIV. Returning to Bergamo, he was charged with the examination of candidates for holy orders, and became canon and archpriest. The piety and zeal which he manifested against the Jansenists in Italy gave him high repute; he was called to Rome, nominated apostolic missionary, and member of the Academy degli Arcadi. In 1804 he joined his confreres in the kingdom of Naples; but the Jesuits were again soon dispersed, and Mozzi found a refuge at the villa of the marquis Scotti, situated in the environs of Milan, where he died, June 24, 1813. Of the numerous writings left by him, his most important refer to the Jallsenist controversy. Thus he wrote, Jansenism by Daylight, or the Idea of Jansenism (Venice, 1781, 2 volumes, 8vo): — Brief History of the Schism of the New Church of Utrecht (Ferrara, 1785, 8vo; Ghent, 1829, 8vo): — The Fifty Reasons why the Catholic Church should be Preferred (Bassano, 1789). He published also The Plans of the Unbelievers to Ruin Religion, as Revealed in the Works of Frederick, King of Prussia (3d ed. Assisi, 1791, 8vo): — Historical and Chronological Abridgment of the most important Decrees of the Holy See regarding Brianism, Jansenzism, and Quesnellism.
