Joseph Privat De Molieres

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Joseph Privat De Molieres [1]

a French philosophical writer of some note, was born at Tarascon in 1677. He became a member of the Congregation of the Oratory; but, having embraced the philosophical doctrines,of Malebranche, he quitted the society after the death of Malebranche to devote himself wholly to physics and mathematics. He was made professor of philosophy at the royal college, and became a zealous advocate of the Cartesian views. He died May 12, 1742. His works range within the departments of mathematics, physical science, and philosophy. In the last-named field he published Philosophical Lectures (Paris, 1732, 4 volumes, 8vo). See Saveriens, Hist. des Philosophes Modernes, 5:217 sq.; Revue Chretienne, 1869, page 725.
