Jacques Paul Migne

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Jacques Paul Migne [1]

a Roman Catholic theologian, was born at St. Flour, Cantal, France, October 25, 1800. He was educated at the theological seminary in Orleans, acted for some time as professor at Chateaudun, and after his ordination served as curate. in the diocese of Orleans. In consequence of a controversy with his bishop respecting his (Migne's) book upon the "Liberty of the Priests," he went to Paris, and started L'Univers Religieux, later called simply L'Univers. — In 1833 he sold his interest in the paper, and went to Petit Montrouge, near Paris, where he soon built up an enormous printing establishment, to which he gave the name "Imprimerie Catholique." From this proceeded the famous Patrologiae Cursus Completus sive Bibliotheca Universalis, Integra, Uniformis, Conimoda, OEconomica Omnium SS. Patrum, Doctorum Scriptorumque Ecclesiasticorum qui ab evo Apostolico ad Usque Innocentii II Tempora Floruerunt (Latin series, 221 volumes, 1844 sq.; 2d ed. 1878 sq.; 1st Greek series, 104 volumes; 2d ed. 58 volumes, both since 1857): — Collection des Orateurs Sacres (100 volumes, 1846-48), etc. In 1868 this immense establishment was burned to the ground. Migrie died October 25, 1875, at Paris. See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v.; Vapereau, Dictionnaire des Contemporains, ed. 1880, page 1290. (B.P.)
