Samuel Willard

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Samuel Willard [1]

a Congregational minister, nephew of president Joseph Willard, was born at Petersham, Massachusetts, in 1775. He graduated from Harvard College in 1803, was tutor at Bowdoin College in 1804 and 1805, became pastor of the Church at Deerfield in 1807, and resigned his pastorate, on account of the total loss of sight, in 1829, but preached occasionally until within a month of his death, which occurred October 8, 1859. He was the author of, The Deerfield Collection of Sacred Music (1808): Original Hymns (1823): An Index of the Bible (1826): An Improved Reader (1827): The General Class-book (1828): Sacred Poetry and Music Reconciled: a Collection of Hymns (1830): An Introduction to the Latin Language (1835), and other school-books (some anonymous), several sermons, papers in periodicals, and left hymns and other works in MS. Willelmus, an ecclesiastic of the 11th century, became abbot of Metz in 1073, and was friendly to Gregory VII. Seven of his epistles and an oration have been published in Mabillon's Analecta, 1:247. See Mosheim, Hist. of the Church, book 3, cent. 11, part 2, chapter 2.
