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Wanes [1]

in Norse mythology, is a people the location of whose country, Wanaheim, is not definitely given; sometimes being thought to be on the Don (Tanais), sometimes on Cape North. This people is remarkable only as being implicated in a long and frightful war with the Asas, which seemed to lead to the destruction of both, until finally peace was made and hostages exchanged, whereby the Asas received Niord and Freia, and the Wanes Haner and Mimer. Both parties also spit into a cask, from whose contents the Asas then created the white man Quaser. The Wanes appear to have been an experienced people, because their hostages introduced the worship of deities among the Asas. They seem, however, to have been inexperienced in state management, as the Asas made Haner their king, while the wise Mimer was made his adviser; from this is explained the fact of the partial submission of the Wanes to the conquering Asas.
