Henry Walter

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Henry Walter [1]

a Church of England divine, was born at Louth, Lincolnshire, Jan. 28, 1785. He received a careful religious training, and was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, taking his degree, of A.B. in 1806. In 1858, being left without a curate, he preached in his schoolroom and still kept up his pastoral work. He died in January, 1859. Mr. Walter attained great proficiency as a chemist, astronomer, and naturalist. His intimacy was sought and cherished by the clergy for miles around. His publications were all stamped by his characteristic accuracy of research. They are his History of England, finished in 1839 (7 vols.): his collated edition of the Primer of Edward VI: Biographical Notice of Tyndal the Martyr: and his Letters to Bishop Marsh, of Peterborough, on the Independence of the Authorized Version of the Bible, as well as many of lesser note. See Christian Observer, March, 1859, p. 209.
