John Smith Wardlaw

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John Smith Wardlaw [1]

an English Congregational missionary, was born at Glasgow, July 25, 1813. He early dedicated himself to the Lord, and commenced preparation for his great work. Mr. Wardlaw had every advantage for mental and spiritual culture. He graduated with honor at Glasgow University and Theological Academy, and at once decided to give his life to missionary work. He was ordained as a missionary July 14, 1841, and sailed for India under the auspices of-the London Missionary Society, arriving at Madras in September, 1841. He at once took an efficient part in carrying out the objects of the mission-teaching, preaching, itinerating, and superintending the printing press. He translated the Scriptures into the Telugu language, and was able to send thousands of copies of the New Test. into the mission fields. In 1855 Dr. Wardlaw visited Vizagapatam, and in 1859 also visited Calcutta and the missions on the coast. He died Oct. 13, 1872. "Dr. Wardlaw was a laborious and faithful student, exact, thorough; with great analytical power," and the ability to express with clearness his conclusions. He was a main of broad sympathies, unselfish in friendship, with a character transparent and spotless, and with an "exhaustless patience and charity." See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1873, p. 365.
