Andrei Nikophorovitch Voronikhin

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Andrei Nikophorovitch Voronikhin [1]

a Russian architect, was born among the peasantry of count Alexander Stroganov in 1760. He was sent by that nobleman, on account of his artistic talents, to Moscow, where he received instruction from the eminent architects Bazhenov and Kasakov. He was then sent to travel with count Paul Stroganov, son off Alexander, with whom he visited Southern Russia, Germany, and Switzerland, and resided some time in Paris, where he continued his architectural studies with diligence. In. 1790 he returned to St. Petersburg, where the assistance of his patron soon brought him into notice and employment. He became professor in the Academy of Arts and was employed in 1800 by tie emperor Paul as architect of the magnificent cathedral to be built in the Nevskii Prospect, and dedicated to Our Lady of Kazan. The edifice was completed in 1815, and forms one of the finest architectural works in St. Petersburg. Voronikhin also erected many other edifices, public and private. He died in 1814. See Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, s.v.
