Cortlandt Van Rensselaer

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Cortlandt Van Rensselaer [1]

an eminent Presbyterian divine, son of general Stephen Van Rensselaer, was born in Albany, N.Y., May 26,1808. He graduated at Yale College in 1827, and was admitted to the bar in 1830; but studied theology in the Princeton Theological Seminary, N.J., and was licensed to preach in 1834, and ordained in 1835 by West Hanover Presbytery, Va. He organized the First Presbyterian Church in Burlington, N. J., and was installed its pastor by Philadelphia Second Presbytery in 1837. He became corresponding secretary of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church from 1846 until his death, July 25, 1860. Dr. Van Rensselaer established in 1848 The Presbyterian Treasury, a quarto publication, issued monthly. This journal was quite popular, but owing to the earnest solicitation of other parties, at the end of two years it gave place to the Home and Foreign Record, edited by all the secretaries of the Boards of the Church. He, however, issued, in January, 1851, the first annual volume, entitled The Home, School, and Church, a thick octavo pamphlet. In 1851 he also issued the first number of The Presbyterian Magazine; and it was thus that, by means of all these, the mind of the Church became enlightened upon the subject of education. After his death appeared a selection from his published writings, under the title of Miscellaneous Sermons, Essays, and Addresses, edited by his son. C. Van Reilselaer (Phila. 1861, 8vo). "They bear the impress of his vigorous intellect, and illustrate his various reading, his manly independence, his genuine patriotism, and his unswerving devotion to the cause and kingdom of the Redeemer." His critical reviews were discriminating, searching, and free from partiality, eminently readable, and wholly trustworthy. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1861, p. 107; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.; North Amer. Rev. July, 1861, p. 286; Memoirs of S. Grellet (Phila. 1860), 2, 486, note; Elect Mag. of For. Lit. Dec. 1860. (J. L. S.)
