Cosimo (Cosime Da Ferrara) Tura (Or Turra)

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Cosimo (Cosime Da Ferrara) Tura (Or Turra) [1]

Tura (Or Turra), Cosimo (Cosime Da Ferrara)

an Italian painter, was born at Ferrara in 1406. He was a disciple of Galasso Galassi, and was court-painter in the time of the duke Borso d' Este. He died in 1469. Tura worked both in oil and fresco, and painted in the dry, Gothic style then prevailing. Among his paintings are, Annunciation and Nativity, in the cathedral: Acts of St. Eustace, Monastery of San Guglielmo: Virgin and Saints, Church of San Giovanni: Christ Praying in the Garden, at the Cappuccini: Madonna with Saints, Berlin Museum. See Spooner, Biog. Hist. of Fine Arts; s.v.
