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Standard [1]

This name seems to have been applied formerly to

(1) various articles of furniture which were too ponderous to be easily removed, as to large chests, or the massive candlesticks placed before altars in churches, etc.;

(2) also the vertical poles of a scaffold, and the vertical iron bars in a window, or Stanchions;

(3) it was also applied to the ends of the oak benches in churches, and that is the common use of the term now. They were often very handsomely carved, sometimes having poppy heads and sometimes without. A good illustration is taken from Dorchester;

(4) large standard candlesticks placed before altars, e.g. "Two great Standards of laten to stande before the high altar of Jesu" (Lysons, Magna Britannia, 1 , 716). Parker, Gloss. Of Architect. s.v.
