Spanish Architecture

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Spanish Architecture [1]

In the South few early Gothic buildings remain, and those which exist were mainly erected in the 15th century; but in the North the Obra de Godos (Gothic), the Romanesque, and Geometrical Pointed (Tudesco) are represented. The German Middle Pointed, as well as French art, clearly influenced the designers in Spain. The old system of parallel eastern apses gave way to the affection for a chevet, with its processional path and circlet of chapels. The constructional choirs are usually very short. The choir of a Spanish church occupies the eastern half of the nave. The westward portion of the latter is called the trascoro; the part eastward of the choir is called entre los dos coros. Under the cimborio, or lantern, is the crucero, or crossing. A passage fenced with screens of metalwork affords the clergy a means of access to the screen in front of the altar in the sanctuary, or capilla mayor. In the center of the coro are several lecterns for the choir books; and on the west, north, and south are stalls, the bishop occupying a central stall facing east. Pulpits are erected against the western faces of the eastern pillars of the crossing. This curious arrangement, which has been followed at Westminster Abbey, is probably not earlier than the 16th century. About the same time, in parish churches, large western galleries of stone were erected for the choir, as. at Coirnbra, Braga, and Braganza, and provided with ambons at the angles. The choir was in the center of the nave at the Lateran, St. Mary the Great, St. Laurence's, and St. Clement's, at Rome, by a basilican arrangement.
