Luca Pinelli

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Luca Pinelli [1]

an Italian theologian, born at Melfi. His family, one of the twenty-four chief of Genoa, gave the republic two doges, Agostino, son of Filippo, elected 1555, and Agostino, son of Alessandro, elected 1609. He was admitted in 1562 into the Company of Jesus; was a professor of theology at Ingolstadt and Pont-a-Mousson, and rector at Florence, Perugia, and Palermo. Pinelli died at Naples Aug. 25, 1607. His theological writings enjoyed a favor which is not extinguished altogether even in our own day. They have been reprinted and translated a number of times. Some of them must be referred to here: Meditazioni del Sacramento (Brescia, 1599, 12mo; translated into French, Pieux entretiens, etc., Tournay, 1850, 18mo): Gersone, avvero della perfezione religiosa, lib. 4; the most recent editions of this often republished work are, in Italian, Rome, 1839, 8vo; in Latin, 1710, 16mo; in French, 1847, 18mo, etc.: Meditazione della Veryine Maria (Brescia, 1599, 12mo; translated into Portuguese by Antonio Vaz de Sousa): De Sacramento Paenitentice (Cologne, 1602,12mo): Trafato dele altra vita e dello stato delli anime in essa (Venice, 1604, 8vo): Meditationes de IV hominis novissimis, quae sunt mors, judicium, infernus, paradisus (Cologne, 1605, 12mo): Trattato della Messa (Naples, 1606,12mo). The spiritual works of father Pinelli appeared first at Venice (1604, 12mo); but the Latin edition of Cologne (1604, 3 vols. 12mo) is the most complete. Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. G É neral É , 40, 265.
