Nicholas Lockyer

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Nicholas Lockyer [1]

a Presbyterian divine and pious Nonconformist, was born in 1612. He studied at New Inn Hall, Oxford, and became provost of Eton College in 1658, but was ejected at the Restoration. He died in 1684. His writings show him to have been very zealous and affectionate, earnestly bent on the conversion of souls. Some of his most important works are the following: Baulme for bleeding England and Ireland, or seasonable Instructions for persecuted Christians, delivered in several sermons [on Colossians 1:11-12] (London, 1644): — Christ's Communion with his Church militant [on John 14:18] (5th ed. London, 1672, 12mo): — England faithfully watcht with her Wounds, or Christ as a Father sitting up with his Children in their swooning State; which is the summe of several Lectures painfully preached upon Colossians 1 (Lond. 1646, 4to). See Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Auth. s.v.; Darling, Cyclop. Bibliogr. s.v.
