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Pardus [1]

Georgius (Or Gregorius ) a noted Eastern prelate, who is supposed to have flourished after the 11th century, although the time is not exactly known. The only clew that we have to the period in which he lived is a passage in an unpublished work of his, De Constructione Orationis, in which he describes Georgius Pisila, Nicolaus Callicles, and Theodorus Prodromus as more recent writers of iambic verse." Nicolaus and Theodorus belong to the reign of Alexius I Comnenus (A.D. 1081-1118), and therefore Pardus must belong to a still later period; but his vague use of the term "more recent," as applied to writers of such different periods as the 7th and 11th or 12th centuries, precludes us from determining how near to the reign of Alexius he is to be placed. He was archbishop of Corinth, and hence he has sometimes been called Corinthus; but Allatius, in his Diatriba de Georgiis, pointed out that Pardus was his name and Corinthus that of his see, on his occupation of which he appears to have disused his name and designated himself by his bishopric. His only published work is Περὶ Διαλέκτων , De Dialectis. It was first published with the Erotemata of Demetrius Chalcondylas and of Moschopulus, in a small folio volume, without note of time, place, or printer's name, but supposed to have been printed at Milan, 1493 (Panzer, Annal. Sypogr . 2:96). The full title of this edition is Περὶ Διαλέκτων Τῶν Παρὰ Κορίνθου Παρεκβληθεισῶν , De Dialectis A Corintho Decerptis . It was afterwards frequently reprinted as an appendix to the earlier Greek dictionaries, or in the collections of grammatical treatises (e.g. in the Thesaurus Cornucopice of Aldus [Ven. 1496, fol.]; with the works of Constantine Lascaris [ Ibid . 1512, 4to]; in the dictionaries of Aldus and Asulanus [ Ibid . 1524, fol.], and of De Sessa and Ravanis [ Ibid . 1525, fol.]), sometimes with a Latin version. Sometimes (as in the Greek lexicons of Stephanus and Scapula) the version only was given. All these earlier editions were made from two or three MSS., and were very defective. But in the last century Gisbertus Koenius, Greek professor at Franeker, by the collation of fresh MSS., published the work in a more complete form, with a preface and notes, under the title of Γρηγορίου Μητροπολίτου Κορίνθου Περὶ Διαλέκτων , Gregorius Corinthi Metropolitc De Dialectis (Leyden, 1766, 8vo).

The volume included two other treatises or abstracts on the Dialectis by the anonymous writers known as Grammaticus Leidensis and Grammaticus Meermannianus. An edition by G. H. Schaffer, containing the treatises published by Koenius, and one or two additional, among which was the tract of Manuel Moschopulus, De Vocum Passionibus, was subsequently published (Leips. 1811, 8vo), with copious notes and observations by Koenius, Bastius, Boissonade, and Schaffer, and a Commentatio Palaographica by Bastius. Several works of Pardus are extant in MS.; they are on grammar; the most important are apparently that Περὶ Συντάξεως Λόγου Ἤτοι Περἱ Τοῦ Μὴ Σολοικίζειν Καὶ Περὶ Βαρβαρισμοῦ Κ . Τ . Λ , De Constructione Ornationis , Vel De Solacismo Et Barbarismo , etc.; that Περὶ Τρόπων Ποιητικῶν , De Tropis Poeticis ; and especially that entitled Ε᾿Ξηγήσεις Εἰς Τοὺς Κανόνας Τῶν Δεσποτικῶν Ἑορτῶν , Κ . Τ . Λ ., Expositiones In Canones S. Hymnos Dominicos Festorumque Totius Anni, Et In Triodia Magnce Hebdomadis ac Festorum Deiparce, a grammatical exposition of the hymns of Cosmas and Damascenus, used in the Greek Church a work which has been, by the oversight of Possevino, Sixtus of Sena, and others, represented as a collection of Homiliae et Sermones. See Allatius, De Georgiis, p. 416, ed. Paris, et apud Fabric. Bibl. Graec. 12:122 sq.; Koenius, Prof. in Gregor. Corinth.; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. 6:195 sq., 820, 341; 9:742.
