Luigi Miradoro

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Luigi Miradoro [1]

a noted Italian painter of the school of Cremona, was born at Genoa about the commencement of the 17th century. He is commonly designated I1 Genovesino, from his native city, from whence, after being initiated into the rudiments of his art, he appears to have gone to Cremona, where he began to study the works of Panfilo Nuvolone. Afterwards he painted in the manner of the Caracci bold, large, correct in coloring, and productive of fine effect. While he appears to be little known in his native city, he nevertheless enjoyed a high reputation in Cremona and in parts of Lombardy. His S. Gio. Damasceno, in the church of S. Clemente, at Cremona, is highly commended. The Merchants' College at Piacenza possesses likewise a beautiful Pieta from his hand, representing the Dead Christ in the Lap of the Virgin. He appears to have been remarkably successful in the treatment of all subjects, but especially so in compositions of a terrific or tragic nature. The exact time of his death is unknown: but one of his works in S. Imerio bears the date 1651; therefore his demise must have been subsequent to this date. See Lanzi's Hist. of Painting (transl. by Roscoe, Lond. 1847, 3 volumes, 8vo), 2:451; Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts (N.Y. 1865, 2 volumes, 8vo), 2:568.
