Samuel Merwin

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Samuel Merwin [1]

an early and eminent Methodist Episcopal minister, was born at Durham, Conn., Sept. 13, 1777; was converted while young; entered the New York Conference in 1800; in 1803 was stationed at Montreal, Canada; in 1804 at New York; in 1806 at Boston; in 1807-8. at Newport, R. I.; in 1812-13 at Albany; in 1814 at Brooklyn; from 1815 to 1818 was presiding elder on New York District; in 1819 preached in New York; in 1820 in Albany; from 1821 to 1823 was on the New Haven District; in 1824-5 at Baltimore; in 1826-7 at Philadelphia; in 1828-9 at Troy; in 1830-31 at New York; from 1832 to 1835 on the New York District; in 1836 at New York; in 1837-8 at Rhinebeck, NY., where he died, Jan. 13, 1839. Mr. Merwin was a man of great influence and usefulness in his whole public career. His ministerial and administrative talents were of the highest order. He possessed a mind of great richness and power, a vivid imagination, a commanding voice and person, and fervent piety; these, combined with the gift of utterance, made him one of the most eloquent men of his time; and the important stations which he filled in the New England, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore Conferences, testify to the opinion of his brethren respecting his abilities.' In the presiding eldership his masterly judgment and influence over men made him conspicuous as a peace-maker and an organizer. Many souls were converted through his labors, and his memory in the church is blessed. See Minutes of Conferences 2:669; Sprague, Annals of American Pulpit, vol. 7:(GL.T.)
