Johann Hyacinth Kistemaker

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Johann Hyacinth Kistemaker [1]

a celebrated Roman Catholic theologian, was born August 15, 1754, at Nordhorn, in Hanover, and was educated at the University of Minister. He was ordained priest Dec. 22, 1777, but filled the rostrum instead of the pulpit, and became quite celebrated for his attainments as a linguist. In 1786 he was elected professor of philology at his alma mater, and in 1795 was transferred to the chair of Biblical exegesis. He died March 2,1834. Of his numerous works we have room here only for the titles of those most important in theology, which are, Commentiatio de nova exegesi prcecipue Veteris Testamenti ex collatis scriptoribus Graecis et Romanis scripta (Muinster, 1806): Abhandlung uber - Matthew 16:18-19 ;  Matthew 19:3-12. oder uber cde Prinzat Petri und das Eheband: -Exegesis critica inz Psalmos lxvii, et cix, et excursus in Daniel in de fornace ignis (1809): Weissagung Jesu oren Gericht uiber Judda und die Welt, etc. (1816):-Canticum canticorcum illustratue ex Hierographia Orientalium (1818): eissagung vom Inmanuel (1824); and especially Biblia sacra Vulgate editionisn juxta exemplar Vaticanum (1824. 3 vols.), dedicated to pope Leo XII; and his translation of the New Testament (1825), which is largely circulated among the Roman Catholics of Germany. See Hamberger. Das gelehrte Deutschland, Appendix, vols. 18 and 23; Wetzer und Welte, Kirchen-Lexikon, vol. 6:s.v.; 12:671 sq. (J. H.W.)
