Johann Jakob Ludwig Huffel

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Johann Jakob Ludwig Huffel [1]

a German divine, was born May 6,1784 at Gladenbach, in Hesse, and educated at the universities of Giessen and Marburg. In 1817 he was appointed' minister at Friedberg, in 1825 senior professor in the theological seminary at Herborn, and in 1829 prelate of Baden and religious counselor of the duke of Baden. He died July 26,1856. Besides a collection of sermons (Giessen, 1817-29), H Ü ffel published Wesen u. Berzf d. evang. Geistlichen (ibid. 1821, 4th edit. 1843) Studen christl. Andacht (1844 ) Briefe Ü . d. Unsterblichkeit (2nd edit. Karlsruhe, 1832). The same subject is still further treated in a later work, entitled Die Unsterblichkeit avf's neue beleuchtet (2nd edit. 1838): Der Pietismus geschichtlich beleuchtet (Heidelb. 1849). Theol. Univers. Lex. 1, 372; Pireer, Univers. Lex. 8, 581.
