Hornejus (Horney) Konrad

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Hornejus (Horney) Konrad [1]

Hornejus (Horney) Konrad

A German Lutheran divine, was born in Brunswick Nov. 25, 1590. He studied theology, philosophy, and philology at Helmstadt, where he settled in 1612. Here he became professor of logic and ethics in 1619, and of theology in 1628. He died Sept. 26, 1649. As a theologian, especially in the Synergistic controversy (q.v.), he was distinguished for his moderation. His principal works are, Disputationes ethicae (Helmst. 1618; 7th ed. 1666) Exercitationes et disputationes logicae (1621) Disputationes metaphysicae (1622) Institutiones logicae (1623) Compendium dialecticce succinctun (1623; 12th ed. 1666) Compendium historie eccles. (1649) Commentar z. Hebraer und den Katholischen Briefen (1654) Compendium theologie (Brunsw. 1655). Pierer, Universal- Lexikon, 8, 542; Herzog, Real-Encyklop. 6, 265; Gass, Dogmengesch. 2, 147, 159, 210; Kurtz, Ch. Hist. 2, 201.
