Hermann Friedrich Wilhelm Hinrichs

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Hermann Friedrich Wilhelm Hinrichs [1]

a German philosopher of the old Hegelian school, was born at Karlseck, in Oldenburg, August 22, 1794. In 1812 he entered the University of Strasburg as a student of theology, but changed for law in 1813 at Heidelberg. Here he studied under Creuzer and Hegel, and became a privatdocent in 1814. In 1822 he was called to the University of Breslan as a professor of philosophy. In 1824 Halle gave him a call, which he accepted, and here he remained until his death, August 17, 1861. The work which gave to him particular prominence as a Hegelian was his Die Religion Im Mern Verhaltniss Zur Wissenschaft (Heidelb. 1822), an essay that gained him a prize sustained by Hegel himself. Brockhauls, Cone. Lex. 7, 933; Vapareau, Dict. des Contemp. p. 885., (J. H. W.)
