George Fisch

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George Fisch [1]

a French theologian, commonly known as "Pastor Fisch," was born at Nyon, canton of Vaud, Switzerland, July 6, 1814. He studied at Lausanime, was for some time preacher of a small German congregation at Vevay, till in 1846 called to Lyons, France, to become an assistant preacher to Adolphe Monod, whom he subsequently succeeded. In 1855 he went to Paris as successor of Louis Bridel, and died July 3, 1881, at Vallorbe, Switzerland. Fisch took an active part in the Constitutional Synod of 1849 which formed the union of the Evangelical churches of France. From 1863 till his death he was president of the Synodal Commission, and thus directed the work of the Free churches. When, in 1856, the Evangelical Alliance was founded, he became the very soul of the branch of this society in France, and attended the meetings at London, Paris, Berlin, Geneva, Amsterdam, and New York. He was particularly interested in the South-Africa mission among the Bassutos, in Mr. McAll's mission in Paris, and in every way he advanced the cause of the Gospel. See Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B.P.)
