Johann Abraham Kromayer

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Johann Abraham Kromayer [1]

a German theologian, grandson of Jerome (q.v.), was born in 1665 at Ohrdruf, in Thuringia. He studied theology at Jena, was in 1691 deacon, in 1696 pastor and superintendent at his native place, and died April 19, 1733. He wrote, De Usu Linguae Arabicae in Addiscenda Lingua Ebraea et Explicanda Sacra Scriptura: — Comment. Theol. de Potestate Ecclesiastica: — Dispositiones Memoriales Librorum et Capitum Biblicorum tum Veteris turn Novi Testamenti: — Specimen Fontium Scripturae Apertorum Editum in Illust. Vaticiniis Hoseae, Joelis et Anmosi. See Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
