Isaac Kimber

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Isaac Kimber [1]

an English dissenting minister, born at Wantage, Berkshire, in 1692, was educated at Gresham College, London, and the Dissenters' Academy, and in 1724 became pastor at Namptwich, Cheshire, but resigned in 1727 on account of some difficulties with his congregation, and returned to London, where he published a periodical which lived some four years. He was also employed by booksellers in various literary undertakings, compiling a number of historical works. among which we remark the Life of Oliver Cromwell (London, 1714, 8vo). He wrote also the Life of bishop Beveridge prefixed to the folio edition of that prelate's works, of which he was editor:-Sermons, etc., to which is prefixed Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Author (London, 1756, 8vo). He died in 1758. See Chalmers, General Biographical Dictionary; Allibone, Dictionary of English and American Authors, vol. ii, s.v. (J. N. P.)
