Samuel Dunn

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Samuel Dunn [1]

a veteran Methodist Episcopal minister, was born at Mevagissey, Cornwall, England, February 3, 1798. He was converted at fourteen years of age, licensed in 1817, and in 1819 joined the Conference at Bristol. In 1822 he went as missionary to the Shetland Isles, in response to an appeal from Adam Clarke. After an eminently successful missionary work, he returned and served the following circuits: Newcastle-on-Tyne, Rochdale, Manchester, Sheffield, Lancaster, Edinburgh. Camborne, Dudley, Halifax, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Nottingham. In 1849 he was expelled, with two others, as the result of the "Fly-sheet Controversy," which event had no bearing upon his moral character, but was the occasion of one of the largest secessions from English Wesleyanism. A fine church was built for him at Camborne, which he served from 1850 to 1861. In 1862 he became pastor of a church in Sheffield, where he remained until 1864. In 1865 he came to America and preached in pulpits that were opened to him. He joined the New York East Conference in 1867, and became superannuated the same year, in which relation he continued until his death, January 24, 1882. His life was one of great usefulness. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1882, page 76.
