Heinrich Corrodi

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Heinrich Corrodi [1]

a prominent writer of the Rationalistic school, was born at Zurich, July 31, 1752. He was admitted to the ministry in 1775; continued his theological studies in Leipsic and Halle, where especially Semler (q.v.) had great influence upon him, and was in 1786 appointed professor of ethics and natural law at, the gymnasium of Zurich. This position he retained until his death, Sept. 14,1793. His principal works are Geschichte des Chiliasmus (4 vols. Frankf. and Leips. 1781-83, full, but very diffuse, and abounding in worthless matter); Beleuchtung der Gesch. des jud. u. christl. Bibelcanons (Halle, 1792, 2 vols.); Philos. Aufstze u. Gesprache (Winterthur, 1786, 2 Vols.); Versuch iber Gott, die Welt u. d. menschl. Seele (Berlin, 1788), and the periodical Beitrage zur Beforderung des verniinftigen Denkcens in d. Religion (18 numbers, Winterthur, 1781-1794; two numbers appeared after his death under the name of Neue Beitrsige). Pierer, Universal- Lexikon, 4:464; Herzog, Real-Encyklopadie, 3:157.
