Clotilda (Chrotechildis, Or Chrotildis)

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Clotilda (Chrotechildis, Or Chrotildis) [1]

Clotilda (Chrotechildis, Or Chrotildis),

a French saint, daughter of Chilperic I and wife of Clovis, was born about 475. Although the daughter of an Arian, she was brought up a Catholic. According to Gregory of Tours, her uncle, Gundobald, gave her to Clovis (Chlodovicus) as a wife in 492, or 403. Clotihda baptized her first-born son, and took occasion to represent to Clovis the futility of the heathen worship. The child died soon after, and although Clovis believed that the Frankish gods were offended, yet he permitted the second child also to be baptized. It, too, sickened; but, notwithstanding the taunts of her husband, Clotilda prayed for it, and it recovered. Nor did she cease her entreaties until the conversion of Clovis. After Clovis's death, Clotilda lived principally at Tom's. She was the real or reputed foundress of several religious houses, notably of St. Mary of Andelys, near Rouen, to which girls were sent for education from England in Bede's time. The original foundation was destroyed by the Normans. Clotilda, however, remained the patron saint of the place, and miracles were worked there in her name down to the Revolution, and have recommenced since. She died at Tours, June 3, 545, and was buried at Paris beside her husband, in the Church of the Apostles, afterwards St. Genevieve's. Her festival is on June 3. The only biography of any value is Sainte-Clotilde et son Siecle, by the abbe Rouquette (Paris, 1867). See Smith, Dict. of Christ. Biog s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. .
