David B.D. Clarkson

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David B.D. Clarkson [1]

Clarkson, David (1) B.D.,

a celebrated English nonconformist divine,. and one of the, tutors of archbishop Tillotson, was born at Bradford, Yorkshire, Feb. 2, 1622, and educated at Clare Hall, Cambridge, of which he was made a fellow. He was minister of the Mortlake Church, Surrey, till ejected in 1662, after which he preached in- obscure places till 1682, when he was chosen co-pastor with Dr. Owen at Moirtlake, whom he succeeded in 1683. He died June 14,1686, His publications include Primitive Episcopacy (Lond. 1680):No Evidence of Diocesan Episcopacy in Primitive Times (1681); a work in answer to Stillingfleet:- 'Discourse of Liturgies (1689):-Sermons and Discourses (1696); and other works. See Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.-v.; Chalmers, Biog. Dict. s.v.; Wilson, Dissenting Churches, i, 285.
