Lucien Bonaparte Carpenter

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Lucien Bonaparte Carpenter [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born at Derby, Vt., July 4,1839. He was a precocious youth; secured for himself a private collegiate education; removed to Springfield, Ill., at the age of seventeen; taught school, and prepared to study law, but, on experiencing religion, in 1858, became an earnest Christian worker; received license to preach, and in the same year entered the Illinois Conference. His appointments were Exeter, Petersburg, Carrollton, Beardstown, Hillsborough, and Stapp's Chapel, Decatur; in 1870 he received a transfer to the Indiana Conference, wherein he was stationed three years at Trinity, Evansville; was transferred to the Virginia Conference in 1873 and appointed to Fourth Street, Wheeling; and in 1874 was transferred to the Baltimore Conference, in which he was stationed for three successive years as pastor of Grace Church; in 1877 and 1878 of Exeter Street Church, and in 1879 of Jackson Square Church, Baltimore, where he died suddenly, Nov. 20,1879. Mr. Carpenter's pulpit ministrations always attracted a throng of admiring listeners. He was passionately fond of study, a brilliant orator, and an advanced thinker. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1880. p. 15.
