Renaud De Beaune

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Renaud De Beaune [1]

a French prelate, son of baron de Samblanmay, was born at Tours in 1527. He was chancellor of the duke of Alencon; but he afterwards chose the ecclesiastical profession, and was appointed successively bishop of Mende, archbishop of Bourges, and then, in 1596, of Sens. Clement VIII, irritated that this prelate had justified Henry IV, and that he had proposed to create a patriarch in France, obliged him to wait six years for his bulls. De Beaune firmly maintained the rights of France on allo ccasions, before the assembly of the clergy, before the states of Blois, where he presided in 1588, and especially at the conference of Surine, when he announced that Henry IV had decided to make abjuration. Renaucu de Beaune became grand- almoner of France, and commander of the orders of the king. He died in 1606. He wrote Decreta Concilii Provincialis Bituricensis: Discours dans Assemblee du Clerge (1605): Oraison Funebre de Marie Stuart (1573): Sermon Funebre srur la Mort du Due d'Aijou, Frere de Henri III (1584): Haciangue dans les Etats de Blois: Reformation de l' Universite de Paris (Paris, 1601-67). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog Gen., s.v.
