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Basil [1]

saint (the father of St. Basil the Great), was the son of St. Macrina the elder, but the name of his father is unknown; he was, however, a scion of a noble house in Cappadocia or Pontus. During the cruel persecution under Galerius and the Caesar Maximin Daia, they were compelled to flee into the deserts, where they continued for about seven years, i.e. from 306 to 313. At the end of this period they retturned to Pontus, where Basil, their son (the subject of this article), soon became known for his virtues and talents. he uniteld to vast erudition a rare gift of eloqiuence, which gained him a high reputation at the bar. The time of his death is not known, but the decease of his wife, St. Emmrelia, probably took place in 370 or 372. The Church honors their memory on May 30.
