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Babylas [1]

St., became bishop of Antioch about the year 230. When the Emperor Philip, who, in ascending the throne, had murdered the youn- Emperor Gordian, came to Antioch on his way to Rome, about Easter, 244, Babylas repulsed him from the church door, and refused to permit him to join in worship. Philip, according to the legend, humbly confessed his sins, and appeared among the public penitents. After a time Decius robbed Philip of his empire and life, and stirred up a virulent persecution against the Christians. Babylas, conspicuous from his lofty station, did not escape this storm, and about the end of the year 250 he was arrested and thrown into prison, where, in the following year, he died. The Latins commemorate him on the 24th of January, the Greeks on the 4th of September. Chrysostom has a homily in honor of Babylas (t. 2, 576, ed. Montf.). See Eusebius, Ch. Hist. 6, 39; Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch. 23.
