Anatolius Of Constantinople

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Anatolius Of Constantinople [1]

who died in A.D. 458, marks an era in Greek ecclesiastical poetry. He left those who were satisfied to imitate the classical writers, and struck out the new path of harmonious prose. His life-history began in a time of conflict. He had been apocrisiarius, or legate, from the archheretic Dioscorus to the emperor's court. At the death of Flavian, in consequence of the violence received in the "Robbers' Council" at Ephesus (449), he was, by the influence of his pontiff, raised to the vacant throne of Constantinople. To Anatolius also was due the decree passed at the Council of Chalcedon (451) that Constantinople should hold the second place among patriarchal sees. He governed his Church eight years in peace. His compositions are few and short, but they are usually very spirited. Of his hymns we mention, Ζοφερᾶς Τοικυμίας , "Fierce was the wild billow:" Τὴν Ἡμέραν Διελθών , "The day is past and over," an evening hymn, greatly liked in the Greek isles: Τῷ Βασιλεῖ Καὶ Δεσπότῃ , "The Lord and King of all things," for St. Stephen's Day: Μέγα Καὶ Παράδοξον Θαῦμα , "A great and mighty wonder," a Christmas hymn. See Neale, Hymnssof The Eastern Church , p. 55 sq.; Miller, Singers And Songs Of The Church , P. 9; Lichtenberger, Encyclopedie Des Sciences Religieuses , s.v. (B. P.)
