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Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [1]

Importunity —The only passage in the Authorized and Revised Versions where this word is found is  Luke 11:9 ‘Because of his importunity he will arise and give him as many as he needeth.’ This rendering dates from Tindale (1526). Wyclif (1380) has ‘his contynuel axynge.’ Good modern translations are ‘persistency’ (Weymouth), ‘persistence’ [ Twentieth Century NT ). Murray’s New English Dict . gives the definition ‘troublesome pertinacity in solicitation’; as early as 1460 the word has this meaning, ‘Through ymportunite off thair suyttes.’ In the companion parable, Coverdale (1535) uses the cognate adjective,  Luke 18:5 ‘yet seynge this weddowe is so importune vpon me, I will delyner her.’ The original meaning of ‘importune’ was ‘inopportune,’ ‘untimely’; in  Sirach 32:4 ‘display not thy wisdom out of season,’ Coverdale has ‘at an importunyte.’ Intermediate stages in the growth of the later signification of the word from this root idea are marked by the now obsolete meanings ‘troublesome’ and ‘urgent.’

‘Importunity’ ( Luke 11:8) is the translation of the Gr. ἀναίδεια, which signifies ‘the absence of αἰδώς’ ‘shamelessness.’ In Biblical Greek it occurs only in  Sirach 25:22, and is rendered ‘impudence.’ The Lat. importunitas , ‘unfitness,’ is found with the stronger meaning ‘insolence’ (Cic. de Sen. iii. 7), and is therefore a more accurate translation of ἀναίδεια than its English equivalent. But persistent asking soon becomes insolent asking. The word contains, as Trapp says, ‘a metaphor from beggars, that will not be said Nay, but are impudently importunate’ ( Com. in loc .). Cowper uses the word ( Task , iv. 414) in an instructive context:

‘Knaves … liberal of their aid

To clam’rous importunity in rags.’

To bring out the striking contrast which our Lord’s parable suggests, it is necessary to show that persistence in asking becomes those who know that prayer is never troublesome to God, and never out of season. He who ‘will not he said Nay,’ and he alone, has learnt the secret of prevailing prayer. Wright notes ( Synopsis of the Gospels in Greek , p. 243) that St. Luke ‘three times uses bad men to represent God, or to be examples to us: (1) here, (2) the unjust steward, (3) the unjust judge.’

J. G. Tasker.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [2]

1: Ἀναίδεια (Strong'S #335 — Noun Feminine — anaidia[-ea] — an-ah'ee-die-ah' )

denotes "shamelessness, importunity" (a, negative, n, euphonic, and aidos, "shame, modesty"), and is used in the Lord's illustration concerning the need of earnestness and perseverance in prayer,  Luke 11:8 . If shameless persistence can obtain a boon from a neighbor, then certainly earnest prayer will receive our Father's answer.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]

IMPORTUNITY . The Greek word so translated in   Luke 11:8 is literally ‘shamelessness.’ It is translated ‘impudence’ in Sir 25:22 . These are its only occurrences in the Bible. It is probable, however, that it had lost some of its original force, and that ‘importunity’ is a fair rendering. The Eng. word signified originally ‘difficulty of access’ ( in-portus ), hence persistence. It is now practically obsolete, and ‘persistence’ might have been introduced into the RV [Note: Revised Version.] .

King James Dictionary [4]

IMPORTU'NITY, n. L. importunitas.

Pressing solicitation urgent request application for a claim or favor,which is urged with troublesome frequency or pertinacity. Men are sometimes overcome by the importunity of their wives or children.

Webster's Dictionary [5]

(n.) The quality of being importunate; pressing or pertinacious solicitation; urgent request; incessant or frequent application; troublesome pertinacity.

Holman Bible Dictionary [6]

 Luke 11:8

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

im - por - tū´ni - ti  : Occurs only in  Luke 11:8 , where it is the rendering of ἀναίδεια , anaı́deia (Westcott-Hort, ἀναιδία , anaidı́a ). This Greek word implies an element of impudent insistence rising to the point of shamelessness which the English word "importunity" fails to express, thus weakening the argument of the parable, which is that if by shameless insistence a favor may be won, even from one unwilling and ungracious, still more surely will God answer the earnest prayer of His people. God's willingness to give exceeds our ability to ask. The parable teaches by way of contrast, not by parallel.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

( Ἀναιδεία ) IN PRAYER, an important element of success ( Luke 11:8), as evincing earnestness, a faith that takes no denial, and especially a perseverance that continues to intercede until the request is granted (compare  Luke 18:1;  1 Thessalonians 5:17); (See Prayer).
