Luce Joseph Hooke

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Luce Joseph Hooke [1]

A French theologian of English origin, was born about 1716, and educated at the seminary of "Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet." He received the doctor's degree from the Sorbonne, and was appointed professor of theology in 1750. The following year he presided at the discussion of abb é Parades's (1 5.) thesis, which contained many heterodox doctrines, and which he had signed without reading. Hooke was deposed from his professorship; but the professors of the Sorbonne and of the College of Navarre interceded in his behalf, and obtained the revocation of the order. At the outbreak of the French Revolution he was made librarian of the Mazarin Library, but he held this place only a short time, when he retired to St. Cloud. He died in 1796. Hooke published Religionis naturalis revelatae et Catholiae Principil (Paris, 1754, 2 vols. 8vo; 2nd ed. 1774, 3 vols. 8vo) — Discours et Reflex. crit. sur l'hist. et le gouvernement de l'anc. Rome (Paris, 1770-84, 4 vols. 12mo-a translation of one of his father's works from the English) — Principe sur la Nature et l'Essence du Pouvoir de l'Eglise (Paris, 1791, 8vo) (J. H.W.)
