Lotus Trees

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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Lotus TREES. The correct (RV [Note: Revised Version.] ) tr. [Note: translate or translation.] of tse’Ä›lim (  Job 40:21 f., AV [Note: Authorized Version.] ‘shady trees’), the haunt of Behemoth ( i.e . the hippopotamus). The tree is probably = the Arab [Note: Arabic.] , dâl , the ‘dom -tree,’ and must not he confused with the Egyptian water-lilies. It is a prickly shrub found in N. Africa and S. Europe.

W. Ewing.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

lō´tus ( צאלים , ce'ĕlı̄m  ; the King James Version shady trees): The trees under which behēmōth (the "hippopotams") rests; "He lieth under the lotus-trees," "The lotus-trees cover him with their shade" (  Job 40:21 ,  Job 40:22 ). The Arabic equivalent is the dōm tree, Zizyphus lotus , a species of jujube tree (Natural Order Rhamneae ); it has many spines and small globular fruit a little bigger than a pea. It is common in the Jordan valley. This plant has nothing to do with the Egyptian lotus. See Lily .
