Valley Of Zephathah

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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

Where Asa encountered Zerah the Ethiopian ( 2 Chronicles 14:10). It "belonged to (See Mareshah " .

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

zef´a - tha ( גּיא צפתה , gē'cephāthāh  ; Septuagint κατὰ βορρᾶν , katá borrán , reading צפונה , cephōnāh , instead of צפתה , cephathah ): This is the place where Asa met and defeated the Ethiopians under Zerah (  2 Chronicles 14:10 ). It is said to be at Mareshah. No name resembling this has been recovered there. Possibly, therefore, the Septuagint rendering is right, "in the ravine to the North of Mareshah." In that case the battle may have been fought in Wâdy el - ‛Afranj .
