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Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Are'li. (Heroic). A son of Gad.  Genesis 46:16;  Numbers 26:17. His descendants are called Arelites.  Numbers 26:17.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Areli . A son of GadGenesis 46:16 ,   Numbers 26:17 ). Patronymic Arelites (  Numbers 26:17 ).

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

 Genesis 46:16 Numbers 26:17

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [4]

 Genesis 46:16;  Numbers 26:17.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]

(Heb. Areli', אִרְאֵלִי , Heroic, fr. Ariel; Sept. Ἀρεηλείς, Ἀριήλ), the last- named of the seven sons of Gad ( Genesis 46:16). B.C. 1873. His descendants were called Arelites (Heb. id., Sept. Ἀριηλί,  Numbers 26:17).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [6]

a -rē´lı̄ ( אראלי , 'ar'ēlı̄ , apparently the gentilic form of a compound that would mean "God's lioness," or "God's hearth"): One of the sons of Gad the son of Jacob ( Genesis 46:16;  Numbers 26:17 ). "Arelites" (which see) is exactly the same word.
