Mount Of The Valley

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Holman Bible Dictionary [1]

 Joshua 13:19

Easton's Bible Dictionary [2]

 Joshua 13:19

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]

(הִר הָעֵמֶק; Sept. ὁ ὄρος Ε᾿νάθ v.r. Ε᾿νάκ ; Vulg. Mons Contnallis), a district on the east of Jordan, within the territory allotted to Reuben ( Joshua 13:19), containing a number of towns, such as Heshbon, Dibon, etc. The "valley" in question appears to have been the Ghor, or that of the Jordan ( Joshua 13:27); and hence the "mount" indicated was doubtless the hilly region immediately adjoining the northern end of the Dead Sea, where the towns mentioned were situated.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

Zereth-shahar is said to be situated in or on the "mount of the valley" ( העמק בּהר , behar hā‛ēmeḳ   Joshua 13:19 ). Cheyne ( Encyclopaedia Biblica , s.v.) says "i.e. on one of the mountains East of the Jordan valley (compare  Joshua 13:27 ), and not impossibly on that described at length in BJ , VII, vi, 1-3." To the Northwest of this mountain is Wâdy eṣ - Ṣara , wherein there may be a reminiscence of Zereth-shahar. There is no certainty.
