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Morrish Bible Dictionary [1]

The word is ets, frequently translated 'tree' and 'wood,' and gives no idea of the form of the gallows. It was some frame-work made or erected on which Mordecai was to have been hanged. Haman no doubt intended by the great height of the gallows (about 23 yards) that the hanging of his victim should have been well seen in the city. It was seen from the palace, and, under the providence of God, he was himself hanged thereon.  Esther 5 —   Esther 9

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Gallows . This word occurs eight times in EV [Note: English Version.] in the Book of Esther only (  Esther 5:14 etc.) as the rendering of the ordinary Heb. word for ‘tree’ (see margins). It is very doubtful if death by strangulation is intended ‘tree’ in all probability having here its frequent sense of ‘pole,’ on which, as was customary in Persia, the criminal was impaled (see Crimes and Punishments, § 10 ).

A. R. S. Kennedy.

King James Dictionary [3]

GAL'LOWS, n. singular. Gallows is in the singular number and should be preceded by a, a gallows. The plural is gallowses.

1. An instrument of punishment whereon criminals are executed by hanging. It consists of two posts and a cross beam on the top, to which the criminal is suspended by a rope fastened round his neck. 2. A wretch that deserves the gallows. Not used.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [4]

 Esther 6:4 Genesis 40:19  Deuteronomy 21:22

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 Esther 2:23 Esther 7:9-10 9:25

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(עֵוֹ, Ets, A Tree or Wood), a post or gibbet, rendered in  Esther 6:4 "gallows," but in  Genesis 40:19, and  Deuteronomy 21:22, "tree." Hanging appears to have been a punishment practised among the Egyptians and other ancient nations, as well as among the Hebrews. (See Punishment).
