Charles Buck Theological Dictionary [1]
Consists in a firm belief, and in right conceptions of the being, perfections, and providence of God; with suitable affections to him, resemblance of his moral perfections, and a constant obedience to his will. the different articles included in this definition, such as knowledge, veneration, love, resignation, &c. are explained in their proper places in this work. We shall, however, present the reader with a few ideas on the subject of early piety; a subject of infinite importance, and which we beg our young readers especially to regard. "Youth, " says Mr. Jay, "is a period which presents the fewest obstacles to the practice of godliness, whether we consider out external circumstances, our nature, powers, or our moral habits. In that season we are most free from those troubles which imbitter, those schemes which engross, those engagements which hinder us in more advanced in connected life. Then the body possessed health and strength; the memory is receptive and tenacious; the fancy glows; the mind is lively and vigorous; the understanding is more docile; the affections are more easily touched and moved: we are more accessible to the influence of joy and sorrow, hope and fear: we engage in an enterprise with more expectation, and ardour, and zeal. Under the legal oeconomy, the first was to be chosen for God; the first-born of man, the first-born of beasts, the first-fruits of the field.
It was an honour becoming the God they worshipped, to serve him first. This duty the young alone can spiritualized the fulfil, by giving Him who deserves all their lives the first-born of their days, and the first-fruits of their reason and their affection: and never have they such an opportunity to prove the goodness of their motives as they then possess.
See an old man: what does he offer? His riches? but he can use them no longer. His pleasures? but he can enjoy them no longer. His honour? but it is withered on his brow. His authority? but it has dropped from his feeble hand. He leaves his sins; but it is because they will no longer bear him company. He flies from the world; but it is because he is burnt out. He enters the temple; but it is as a sanctuary; it is only to take hold of the horns of the altar; it is a refuge, not a place of devotion he seeks. But they who consecrate to him their youth, they do not profanely tell him to suspend his claims till the rest are served, till they have satisfied the world and the flesh, his degrading rivals. They do not send him forth to gather among the stubble the gleanings of life, after the enemy has secured the harvest. They are not like those, who, if they reach Immanuel's land, are forced thither by shipwreck: they sail thither by intention. "Consider the beneficial influence of early piety over the remainder of our days. Youth is the spring of life, and by this will be determined the glory of summer, the abundance of autumn, the provision of winter.
It is the morning of life, and if the sun of righteousness does not dispel the moral mists and fogs before noon, the whole day generally remains overspread and gloomy. Piety in youth will have a god influence over out bodies; it will preserve them from disease and deformity. Sin variously tends to the injury of health; and often by intemperance the constitution is so impaired, that late religion is unable to restore what early religion would have prevented. Early piety from all those dangers to which we are exposed n a season of life the most perilous. Conceive of a youth entering a world like this, destitute of the presiding governing care of religion, his passions high, his prudence weak, impatient, rash, confident, without experience; a thousand a venues of seduction opening around him, and a serene voice singing at the entrance of each; pleased with appearances, and embracing them for realities, joined by evil company, and ensnared by erroneous publications: these hazards exceed all the alarm I can give. How necessary, therefore, that we should trust in the Lord with all out hearts, and lean not to our own understanding; but in all our ways acknowledge him, that he may direct our paths! "Early piety will have a beneficial influence in forming our connexions, and establishing our plans for life. It will teach us to ask counsel of the Lord, and arrange all under the superintendency of scripture. Those changes which a person who becomes religious in manhood is obliged to make, are always very embarrassing. With what difficulty do some good men establish family worship, after living in the view of children and servants, so long in the neglect of it!
but this would have been avoided, had they early followed the example of Joshua: 'As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.' How hard is it to disentangle ourselves from associates with whom we have been long familiar, and who have proved a snare to our souls! Some evils, indeed, are remediless; persons have formed alliances which they cannot dissolve: but they did not walk by the rule, 'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:' they are now wedded to miscry all their days; and repentance, instead of visiting them like a faithful friend, to chide them when they do wrong, and withdraw, is quartered upon them for life. An early dedication to God, therefore, renders a religious life more easy, pleasant, and safe. It is of unspeakable advantage also under the calamities of life. It turns the curse into a blessing; it enters the house of mourning, and soothes the troubled mind; it prepares us for all, sustains us in all, sanctifies us by all, and delivers us from all. Finally, it will bless old age: we shall look back with pleasure on some instances of usefulness; to some poor traveller, to whom we have been a refreshing stream; some deluded wanderer we guided into the path of peace. We shall look forward, and see the God who has guided us with his counsel, and be enabled to say, 'Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them that love his appearing.'" Jay's Ser. vol. 1: ser. 5; Jennings's Evans's, Doddridge's Jerment's and Thornton's Sermons to Young People; Bryson's Address to Youth.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [2]
"to reverence, to show piety" towards any to whom dutiful regard is due (akin to eusebes, "pious, godly, devout"), is used in 1 Timothy 5:4 of the obligation on the part of children and grandchildren (RV) to express in a practical way their dutifulness "towards their own family;" in Acts 17:23 of worshipping God. See Worship.
Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]
The word εὐσέβεια, εὐσέβέω signifies 'to exercise piety, reverence': a reverential sense of having to say to God, which should be shown by the creature to the Creator, and which should especially characterise the saints towards God their Father and to the Lord Jesus. The word is translated 'piety' in the A.V. only in 1 Timothy 5:4 . It is rendered 'holiness' in Acts 3:12 , and 'worship' in Acts 17:23 . In all other places it is 'godliness.' 'Piety' is a better translation, and distinguishes it from θεοσέβεια, which signifies 'worship, or fear of God,' and is translated 'godliness' in 1 Timothy 2:10 .
King James Dictionary [4]
PI'ETY, n. L. pietas, from pius, or its root, probably a contracted word.
1. Piety in principle, is a compound of veneration or reverence of the Supreme Being and love of his character, or veneration accompanied with love and piety in practice, is
the exercise of these affections in obedience to his will and devotion to his service.
Piety is the only proper and adequate relief of decaying man.
2. Reverence of parents or friends, accompanied with affection and devotion to their honor and happiness.
Smith's Bible Dictionary [5]
Piety. This word occurs, but once in the Authorized Version: "Let them learn first to show piety at home," better "toward their own household" or family. 1 Timothy 5:4. The choice of this word here, instead of the more usual equivalents, of "Godliness," "Reverence," and the like, was probably determined by the special sense of pietas , as "erga parentes ", that is, toward parents.
Holman Bible Dictionary [6]
Job 4:6 Job 15:4 Job 22:4 Matthew 6:1 Matthew 6:2-6 3 Acts 3:12 Hebrews 5:7 1 Timothy 5:4
Webster's Dictionary [7]
(1): ( n.) Veneration or reverence of the Supreme Being, and love of his character; loving obedience to the will of God, and earnest devotion to his service.
(2): ( n.) Duty; dutifulness; filial reverence and devotion; affectionate reverence and service shown toward parents, relatives, benefactors, country, etc.
Fausset's Bible Dictionary [8]
1 Timothy 5:4, "show piety at home" or "reverential dutifulness toward one's own house." The filial relation represents our relation to our heavenly Father.
Easton's Bible Dictionary [9]
1 Timothy 5:4 Acts 17:23
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [10]
occurs but once in the A.V.: "Let them learn first to show piety at home" (τὸν ἴδιον οικον εὐσεβεῖν , better, towards their own household," 1 Timothy 5:4). The choice of this word here instead of the more usual equivalents of "godliness," "reverence," and the like, was probably determined by the special sense of pietas, as "erga parentes" (Cicero, Partit. 22; Rep. 6:15; Inv. 2:22). It does not appear in the earlier English versions, and we may recognise in its application in this passage a special felicity. A word was wanted for εὐσεβεῖν which, unlike "showing godliness," would admit of a human as well as a divine object, and this Piety supplied. — Smith.
Piety, or godliness, only another name for personal religion, consists in a firm belief, and in right conceptions of the being, perfections, and providence of God; with suitable affections to him, resemblance of his moral perfections, and a constant obedience to his will. The different articles included in this definition, such as knowledge, veneration, love, resignation, etc., are explained in their proper places in this work. For Perverted Piety, (See Ethics).
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [11]
pı̄´e - ti : Only in 1 Timothy 5:4 : "Let them learn first to show piety toward their own family," where "let them show piety" represents a single Greek verb ( εὐσεβέω , eusebéō ), in its only other occurrence ( Acts 17:23 ) being rendered "worship." In Elizabethan English "piety" (like the Latin pietas ) could be used of devotion to one's parents (as still in the phrase "filial piety"), as well as of devotion to God. Hence, there is no explicit statement here that filial devotion is one form of divine worship.
- ↑ Piety from Charles Buck Theological Dictionary
- ↑ Piety from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words
- ↑ Piety from Morrish Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Piety from King James Dictionary
- ↑ Piety from Smith's Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Piety from Holman Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Piety from Webster's Dictionary
- ↑ Piety from Fausset's Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Piety from Easton's Bible Dictionary
- ↑ Piety from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
- ↑ Piety from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia