St. Ghislain Or Guillain

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St. Ghislain Or Guillain [1]

called the apostle of Belgian Gaul, is said to have been a native of Athens. He came to Gaul in 633, and in 641, with the assistance of king Dagobert, he founded the convent of St. Ghislain (originally St. Peter's cell). The legend says that he was led to that spot by an eagle, who guided him in the search after his ecclesiastical vestments, which had been stolen by a she- bear. After Waldetrude's husband had retired from the world and founded the convent of Heaumont, Ghislain induced Waldetrude to found one at Gastrilocus: this was the first settlement of the present city of Mons, and the origin of its chapter. Ghislain died in 687, and was canonized in 925. Miracles were said to take place at his tomb especially the culre of epilepsy, which is still commonly called in Belgium St. Ghislain's Evil. His life was written in the 12th century by Philippe Deharveng, abbot of Bonne-Esperance. — See Acta Sanctorum Ord. Sancti Benedicti; Baillet, Vie des Saints, 17th Oct.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 20:403 sq.
