Thomas Falkner

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Thomas Falkner [1]

a missionary Jesuit, the son of an eminent surgeon at Manchester, England, was born at Manchester about 1710, and. was bred to his father's profession. He visited Buenos Aires, and falling ill there, was nursed by the Jesuits, and under the influence of their kindness was led to abandon the Presbyterian Church in which he had been brought up, to enter the Roman Church, and to join the order of Jesuits. He devoted himself to missionary labors, in which his medical skill was of great use. He spent forty years in this service in various parts of South America. After the suppression of the order he returned to England, where he died January 30, 1784. He wrote a Description of Patagonia (London, 1774, 4to). — Botanical and other Observations in America (4 volumes, fol.). — Migne, Diet. de Biog. Chrit. s.v.
