Timothy Cruso

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Timothy Cruso [1]

an English Nonconformist minister, was born in 1655. He was educated for the ministry, first in a dissenting academy, and then at one of the universities of Scotland; and was pastor of a church which met in Crutched Friars, London, where he continued to the close of his life, November 26, 1697. Mr. Cruso was chosen one of the preachers of the Merchants' Lecture at Pinner's Hall, and his sermons there verify the high eulogium given him by all for his great ability. See Bogue and Bennet, Hist. of Dissenters (2d ed.), 1:467; (Lond.) Theol. and Bibl. Mag. October 1805, page 383; Wilson, Dissenting Churches, 1:56.
