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Webster's Dictionary [1]

(n.) A small and beautiful species of orchid, having a flower variegated with purple, pink, and yellow. It grows in cold and wet localities in the northern part of the United States. The Calypso borealis is the only orchid which reaches 68¡ N.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [2]

in Greek mythology, was a nymph of the .sea, whose parents are stated differently, as she is sometimes called a Nereide, sometimes an Atlantide, sometimes an Oceanide. In the island Ogygia she possessed a most magnificent palace. Here she sat weaving at the golden loom, when Ulysses came, after he had been shipwrecked, and had been nine days on a mast, tossed hither and thither by the waves. The beautiful nymph offered to give him immortality and eternal youth, if he would always remain with her. Seven years she held him fast, until, at the instigation of Minerva, Jupiter sent Calypso word, by Mercury, to let her lover go. Thereupon she gave him wood and implements to build a ship, with which he sailed to the island of Alcinoutis, king of the Phoencians. According to some accounts, Calypso had, two sons by Ulysses, Nausithotis and Nausinous. The poem of Fdndlon, according to which Telemachus, seeking his father, comes to Calypso, has no foundation in ancient mythology.

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [3]

In the Greek mythology a nymph, daughter of Atlas, queen of the island of Ogygia, who by her fascinating charms detained Ulysses beside her for 7 of the 10 years of his wanderings home from Troy; she died of grief on his departure.
