Convallus (Or Conwall)

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Convallus (Or Conwall) [1]

is the name of several early Scotch saints:

1. Said by some to have been an abbot in Scotland, and confessor of king Comanus, and to have died in A.D. 527; but according to others an abbot of Iona, who introduced "gang-days" (Rogation-days) into Scotland. His day of commemoration is October 13 or 15. See Forbes, Kal. of Scottish Saints, pages 164, 214, 241, 315.

2. A confessor, commemorated May 18 or September 28, probably the Convallus who was a favorite pupil of Kentigern at Glasgow, inscribed as the son of an Irish prince, and as dying in A.D. 612. See Forbes, Kal. of Scot. Saints, page 315.

3. A monk, commemorated September 14, who was brought up in the monastery of Crosraguel in Carrick, and therefore not earlier than the 13th century. See Camerarius, De Scot. Fort. page 173.
