Congan (Comdhan, Or Comgan)

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Congan (Comdhan, Or Comgan) [1]

Congan (Comdhan, or Comgan) (1)

an early Irish saint, is commemorated October 13. He was brother to St. Kentigern and uncle to St. Fillan. He succeeded his father, Cellach Cualann, king of Leinster, A.D. 715. But, leaving his kingdom in company with St. Kentigern and her three sons, he went to Lochelch, where they lived a severe life. He died at a great age, and was buried in Iona. The date of his death is unknown. He has given his name to many places in the islands and west of Scotland (Forbes, Kalendar of Scottish Saints, page 310; Reeves, Adamnan, pages 384, 419).
