Councils Of Compiegne

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Councils Of Compiegne [1]

(Concilium Compendiense), were provincial synods, as follows:

I. Held in 756. At this council, Pepin, king of France, several bishops and lords, together with the legates of pope Stephen, were present. An organ sent by the eastern emperor to Pepin was received. Eighteen canons were published, chiefly relating to questions about marriages:

1. Orders the separation of parties marrying within the third degree.

3. Declares that a wife taking the veil without her husband's consent must be given up to him, if he requires it.

5. Allows a free man who marries a slave under the idea that she was fiee to put her away and to marry again; also allows the same to a free woman.

9. Declares baptins administered by an unbaptized priest, in the name of the blessed Trinity, valid. See Labbe, Concil. 6:1694.

II. Held August 5, 1235, concerning certain articles which, according to the archbishop of Rheims, violated the liberties of the Church. The archbishop and six of his suffragans proceeded to St. Denis, in order to make a second monition to the king, which step induced the lords to prefer a complaint by letter to the pope against the bishops and clergy; this letter is dated September 1235. The king (St. Louis), by an ordinance, declared that his own vassals and those of the lords were not bound, in civil matters, to answer any charge in the ecclesiastical courts; and that if the ecclesiastical judge should proceed to excommunicate any one in such a case, he should be compelled to remove the excommunication by the seizure of his temporalities. The pope exhorted St. Louis to revoke this ordinance, declaring, among other things, that God had confided to the pope both the temporal and spiritual government of the world. However, the letter seems to have had little effect upon the king, who refused to revoke the edict. See Labbe, Concil. 11:503.

III. H eld in 1277, by Peter, archbishop of Rheims, with eight of his suffragans. They made a decree relating to the insubordinate conduct of the chapters of the cathedral churches of the province, who pretended, among other things, to a right to put a stop to divine service, and to lay the city under an interdict, for the sake of protecting their own immunities. See Labbe, Concil. 10:1031.

IV. Held January 4, 1304, by Robert de Courtenay, archbishop of Rheims, assisted by eight bishops, and the deputies of three absent. They made five decrees:

2. Forbids the levying imposts upon the clergy under false pretences.

5. Restricts the dinner of the clergy of the province to two dishes over and above theottage or soup, except they have some great perlson at the table. See Labbe, Concil. 11:1492; Landon, Man. of Councils, s.v. Besides the foregoing, which were the most important councils held at Compiegne, there are notices of others at the same place, of which we present an account from Richard et Giraud, Bibliotheque Sacree, 7:425.

I. Held in 758, at which Tassillon, duke of Bavaria, pledged fealty to king Pepin (Mansi, 1:607).

II. In 833, at which Louis le Debonnaire was subjected to penance (Labbe, 7; Hardonin, 4).

III. In 871, at which Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims, excommunicated the followers of Carloman, who had revolted against Charles the Bald (Mansi, 1:1013).

IV. In 877, against idolatry.

V. In 1085, by Renatid, archbishop of Rheims, in favor of certain French abbeys (Labbe, 10; Hardouiu, 6).

VI. In 1256 (Gallia Christ. 3:89).

VII. In 1270, by Jean de Courtenay, archbishop of Rheims, against encroachments upon Church property (Labbe, 11: Hardouin, 7).

VIII. In 1301, at which seven canons were passed, concerning ecclesiastical jurisdiction (Labbe, 11:2; Hardouinn, 7).

IX. In 1329, by Gunillaume de Brie, archbishop of Rheims, at which seven canons were enacted, the third relating to clerical jurisdiction.
